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The Matrix Revolutions



Set in the scorched real world, Neo (Keanu Reeves) fights to free the human race from the machines. The vast underground city of Zion, inhabited by the few thousand humans who have managed to escape cyberimprisonment, join in the fight for freedom.



DEO'S REVIEW Well I own both of the prevoius movies so you can say that I'm a fan of the artifical world we call The Matrix. This movie was a decent ending to a spectacular series. First off lets talk about the story line. Basically if they just had the story line and nothing else(no fighting robots against robots, no fight with Agent Smith, and no dude's face made out of small buggers(Yes that what im going to call them)) the movie would be terrible and I would probably cry. Well anyway the fight scene at the dock was sweet, I mean whats better than robots fighting robots?! Next would be the fight with Agent Smith, It was alright with all the water going all over the place but its biggest downfall was that it reminded me to much of DragonBall Z. Which is very disturbing and chilling(nothing against anyone that watched DragonBallZ, its just that once you turn to Spongebob there's nothing better) I actually liked Trinity dieing because I really didnt like her anyway. The end was a little weak and open ended and did i miss something but where did those dreadlock twins go?! I loved them because they were so...Jamaicanish. I'll give it a 9/10(because I loved the first movie)

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