How do I find a player's WONID? You can run the "status" command to
get a player's WONID.
Example: status
What will return
is a list of all players on now. Look for the WONID column and take down that number, and then you can act on that (like kicking
the player by their WONID, etc).
Another way would
be to run "rcon users" as well.
Example: rcon users
This will return a list players on your server with their ID (userid), and their
WONID (uniqueid), as well as their game nick name.
How do I kick a player off the server? To force a player to leave your game server, you can do:
rcon kick <player>
Example: If a player named "h4x0r" was on the server
and you wanted to kick him, then you can do:
rcon kick "h4x0r"
sometimes the player's name is hard to type in or has ~ characters in it which you might not be able to type. So, you should
run the "status" command to get their WONID and then kick
the player by his/her WONID.
Example: status
What will
return is a list of all players on now. Look for the WONID column and take down that number, and then kick the player by their
WONID like so:
rcon kick # <WONID>
Example: rcon kick # 1828058
You may also kick the player by ID number instead
How do I ban a player from the server? You can ban players by WONID or by their IP Addresses. Usually banning by WONID
is enough because it's generated from the player's unique CD Key. However, you may have a player who either has another copy
of the game or a hack to change their WONID so you may want to ban their IP as well.
Ban by WONID To ban
by WONID, use the "status" command to find the player's WONID and then use
the console to do:
rcon banid <minutes> <WONID> rcon writeid
ban permanently, use 0 minutes.
Example: rcon banid 0 1828058 rcon
Banning doesn't kick someone automatically, so if you want to ban and kick then do:
rcon banid <minutes> <WONID> kick rcon writeid
Example: rcon banid 0 1828058 kick rcon writeid
Don't forget to do the "rcon writeid" command
for permanent bans or else the ban will be lost when your server restarts.
Ban by IP Address To ban by IP
Address, use the "rcon stat" command to find the player's IP Address and then do:
rcon addip <minutes> <ipaddress> rcon writeip
To ban permanently, use 0 minutes.
Example: rcon addip 0 rcon writeip
IP banning does also automatically
kick someone in this case. Now to make the IP ban remain permanent, make sure your autoexec.cfg file on your server has the
following line at the end of it:
exec listip.cfg
Note: Some
cheaters & hackers keep coming back after you ban them by changing their WONIDs and and by dialing in again with their
56k ISP where they get a new IP Address. Here's what you need to do to help permanently ban them, look for the similarities
in their previous IP Addresses. For example, let's say that player, "skript kiddie", keeps joining your game with different
WONIDs and IP Addresses, and let's say that the last 5 times he joined, his IP Addresses were:
Then instead of banning each and everyone of his IPs, just ban his ISP by banning both 65.80.76.*
and banning 65.80.77.* like so:
rcon addip 0 rcon addip 0 rcon
And that will ban everything that starts with 65.80.76 and 65.80.77.
Be careful when using this
though, because if there are other innocent players that use that ISP, then you will be blocking them too. However, if that's
the case then we recommend that you temp ban that ISP for 1-3 days (that's 1440 - 4320 minutes ;-).
Example: rcon addip 4320 rcon addip 4320 rcon writeip
should be enough to keep most annoying cheaters and hackers away as they will grow tired of trying to get around the ban and
then just move on.
However, if a cheater/hacker won't let up even after that, then grab their IP Address and take it
to a whois database and look up their ISP. Then contact their ISP's abuse department and provide them with the situation and
they will likely cancel the hacker's account.
How do I check the ban list from in the server? You can list banned players from your game console by listing either
the WONID ban list or the IP Address ban list.
To list bans by WONID, use the "rcon
listid" command:
rcon listid
To list bans by IP Address,
use the "rcon listip" command:
How do I unban a player from the server? You can unban players through your console but you first need to determine
if they were banned by WONID or by their IP Address so that you can properly unban them.
Unban by WONID To
unban by WONID, use the console to do:
rcon removeid <WONID> rcon
Example: rcon removeid 1828058 rcon writeid
forget to do the "rcon writeid" command to save the changes else the unban will be lost when your server restarts.
by IP Address To unban by IP Address, do:
rcon removeip <ipaddress> rcon
Example: rcon removeip rcon
How do I change the map on the server? Using the map name with out the .bsp extension, do:
rcon changelevel <map>
Example: rcon
changelevel de_aztec
How do I execute a league config for a clan match? Often these league configs will be called ogl.cfg, cal.cfg, or similar,
and this section explains how to use the server version of them. The server version has no rcon keywords in the cfg file,
that's how you can tell the difference from it and the client or local version.
First upload the league config via
FTP to your game server's mod directory. For example, if you have a Counter-Strike server then upload your league config file
to /homedir/hlds_l/cstrike/, or if you have a TFC server then upload your config to your /homedir/hlds_l/tfc/ directory.
uploaded then you can execute it by doing:
rcon exec <configfile>
Example: rcon exec morat.cfg
And that's it. You're all set!
are 2 of the main ones we use Morat Enemy Down (server versions)
However, if you only have a local version of the
config file, that is, a version that has rcon keywords written inside of the file for each command, then you shouldn't FTP
it up to your server. Instead, you would copy the file into your local mod directory on your PC. For example, if you have
Counter-Strike then your mod directory might be found at C:\Sierra\Counter-Strike\cstrike\. If so, then copy it there and
issue the following command from within your game console:
exec <configfile>
Example: exec morat.cfg
are 2 of the main ones we use Morat Enemy Down (local versions)
How do I turn on friendly fire? When friendly fire is on, then shots from teammates can hit and kill one another.
turn on friendly fire and enable team killing:
rcon mp_friendlyfire 1
turn off friendly fire and disable team killing:
rcon mp_friendlyfire 0
This change is temporary and will remain until the server map is changed
or until the server is restarted. If you want the change to be permanent, then change the mp_friendlyfire server variable
in your server.cfg file.
How do I set the map time on the server? If you want to change the map time of the current map, then use the "mp_timelimit"
server variable.
Let's say your server has a default map time of 45 minutes and you are playing the map and the time
is almost up but you would like the map to keep playing for another 15 minutes. Then you can add an additional 15 minutes
to the map time on the fly be typing the following command:
rcon mp_timelimit
We've added 15 minutes to the map time (45 + 15).
Now, say you were playing that same map and you
get tired of playing that map and wish it would just go to the next map in the mapcycle. You can then do:
rcon mp_timelimit 1
will force the map to change right away because its map time has expired.
Now if you want to make the map stay on
the current map forever (until a server restart), then do:
rcon mp_timelimit
This will disable the automatic map changing
from happening and the current map will remain loaded until the server is restarted, or until you change maps, or modify the
How do I change the entry password on the server? If you want to change the server password to keep unwanted players
out of your match or game, then use the "sv_password" server variable like so:
sv_password <password>
Say you wanted to change your password to "money", then do:
rcon sv_password money
This change takes effect immediately and new players won't
be able to get in unless they know the new password.
If you are renting a public server, then doing the above will
temporarily lock your server. When you are done with your match or game, then you can unlock it by doing:
rcon sv_password ""
will immediately make your server public again. Please check with your terms and conditions before you make your server public.
If you are renting a private server, for instance, then you will risk being charged the price of a public server for making
your server public.
These changes are temporary and
will only remain until the server map is changed or until the server is restarted. If you want the change to remain permanent,
then change the corresponding server variable in your server.cfg on your server.
How do I restart the game server? If you want to restart the server, then use "rcon quit" like so:
rcon quit
After about 10 seconds your server will come back up. Though, typically, you should
never need to run this command.
How do I change the rcon password on the server? If you want to change the rcon password temporarily before giving
it out to someone during a match (so that you don't have to give out the original rcon password), then do:
rcon rcon_password <newpass>
Say you wanted to change your temporary rcon password
to "allaccess", then do:
rcon rcon_password allaccess
change takes effect immediately and the old rcon password won't work again until a new map load or server restart. Keep in
mind though that Punkbuster and Mediator won't work if you change the rcon password without updating their configs and restarting
How do I change the gravity on the server? If you want to change the gravity, then do:
rcon sv_gravity <gravity>
Say you wanted to change your gravity to moon gravity then try:
rcon sv_gravity 80
To change back, use the value of 800.
changes are temporary and will only remain until the server map is changed or until the server is restarted. If you want the
change to remain permanent, then change the corresponding server variable in your server.cfg on your server.
What are some Counter-Strike specific commands?
rcon mp_c4timer <seconds> Bomb
timer, set it to between 15 - 90 seconds.
rcon mp_roundtime <minutes> Sets maximum time for each round, set
it to between 1 - 8 minutes.
rcon sv_restartround <seconds> Resets the
game in <seconds> seconds. The reset is good for matches when everybody is finally ready to start the match. The reset
will reset frags, weapons, money, and scores.
rcon mp_limitteams <numplayers> This variable allows you to keep the team sizes as even
as possible. The number entered here is the maximum number of additional players one team can have. Setting it to 0 will not
limit team sizes.
rcon mp_autoteambalance <1/0> If '1', then force players to
join teams that will be balanced. Example: rcon mp_autoteambalance 1
rcon mp_freezetime <seconds> The time at
that beginning where you can't move but can only buy. Set to '0' to have no freeze time. Example:
rcon mp_freezetime 0
rcon mp_hostagepenalty
<hostagekills> Sets the number of hostages that a player can kill before they are kicked from the server.
'0' turns it off. Example: rcon mp_hostagepenalty
Remember these changes are temporary and will only remain until
the server map is changed or until the server is restarted. If you want the change to remain permanent, then change the corresponding
server variable in your server.cfg on your server.